Fruit Crops Production in Sarangani Province Drops by 8.7 Percent
Fruit crops production in the province decreased by 8.7 percent in 2023 as compared to 2022 level. The decline was largely attributed by the decrease in production of major fruits with 8.8 percent. Banana, the banner commodity pulled down in production with a decrease of 10.0 percent. On the other hand, other fruits performed better with an increment of 1.9 percent. (Please see Table 2 for the volume of Production 2023 & 2022)
Vegetables and Root Crops Production declines by 22.4 percent
Among the crops classification, major vegetables and root crops production shared the largest decrease in the total production of the commodity group with 29.7 percent compared to previous year. Cabbage registered the lowest decline in production in the major crops by 58.4 percent. On the other hand, other vegetables and root crops registered a negative growth by 18.7 percent. The decline in production was due to the effect of hot weather condition during 2023.
Non-Food and Industrial Crops Production declines by 2.3 percent
Non-food and industrial crops (NFIC) production in the province recorded at 640,658.2 MT decreased by 2.3 percent in 2023 compared to 2022 production of 655,863.4 MT. It can be noted that other NFICs registered a decline of 33.9 percent for the 12,647.19 MT in 2022 to 8,358.00 MT in 2023.
Crop Production
Quantity produced and actually harvested for a particular crop during the reference period includes those harvested but damaged, stolen, given away, consumed, given as harvesters’ and threshers’ shares, reserved etc. Exclude are those produced but not harvested due to low price, lack of demand and force majeure or fortuitous events, etc.
The survey aims to generate basic production statistics for crops other than palay and corn. There are three (3) groups generated in the survey: fruit crops, vegetables and root crops, and non-food and industrial crops.
The purpose of the survey is to support the needs of planners, policy and decision makers, and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector and to provide periodic updates on crop related developments. It mainly captures the data on volume of production, area planted/ harvested, and number of bearing trees/hills/vines.
Major Crops
Top 19 crops, other than palay and corn which accounted for more than 60 percent of the total volume of crop production.