Total external trade went down by 18.8 percent
The SOCCSKSARGEN Region's external trade in products in November 2023 decreased by 18.8 percent to US$145.508 million from US$179.281 million in November 2022. (Table 1).
The trade balance decreased by 6.2 percent
Balance of trade in goods (BoT-G) is the difference between the value of exports and imports. The BoT-G amounted to US$32.155 million in November 2023, decreased by 6.2 percent from US$34.286 million recorded in November 2022 (Table 1).
Merchandise Trade
The export value decreased by 16.8 percent to US$88.831 million in November 2023 from US$106.784 million in November 2022. The volume of exports added up to 81.244 million kilograms in November 2023 from 99.070 million kilograms the previous year. The value of imports went down by 21.8 percent to US$56.677 million in November 2023 from US$72.497 million in November 2022. Imports volume was summed up to 177.319 million kilograms in November 2023 from 122.917 million kilograms in November 2022.

Skipjack or striped-bellied bonito was the top import commodity
The top import commodity was Skipjack or striped-bellied bonito at US$11.905 million accounting for 21.0 percent of the region’s overall import value. Followed by Yellowfin Tuna at US$7.327 million (12.9%), Other Coal at US$3.757 million (6.6%), Other crude oil at US$3.661 million (6.5%), and Other semi-milled or wholly milled rice with US$1.885 million (3.3%). (Figure 1)

Indonesia was the largest source of imported goods
The region's largest importer was Indonesia with US$9.663 million accounting for 17.0 percent of total imports. It was followed by Papua New Guinea with US$7.608 million (13.4%), Vietnam with US$6.792 million (12.0%), China with US$6.252 million (11.0%), and Nauru with US$6.210 million (11.0%).
The leading imports in Indonesia was Other Coal; Yellowfin Tunas in Papua New Guinea; Other semi-milled or wholly milled rice in Vietnam; Pacific Mackerel in China and Skipjack or striped-bellied bonito in Nauru. (Figure 2)

Tunas in airtight containers were the top export goods
Tunas in airtight containers, Other Pineapples, Other fish, whole or in pieces, Other Crude Oils, and Fresh Pineapples were the top five export goods in terms of FOB Value. Tunas in airtight containers were valued at US$15.451 million (17.4%); Other Pineapples at US$10.063 million (11.3%); Other fish, whole or in pieces at US$9.195 million (10.4%); Other Crude Oils at US$8.659 million (9.7%); and Fresh Pineapples at US$7.843 million (8.8%). (Figure 3)

The Netherlands was the top export commodity destination
The region's top export market was the United States of America with US$22.437 million accounting for 25.3 percent of the total export value. Following it was the Netherlands with US$12.243 million (13.8%), Japan with US$11.546 million (13.0%), Spain with US$6.278 million (7.1%), and Italy with US$5.270 million (5.9%).
The top export in the United States of America was Pineapples in airtight containers. Other Crude Oil in Netherlands, Fresh Pineapples in Japan, and Other fish, whole or in pieces in Spain and Italy. (Figure 4).

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